Our Methods
Our unique value proposition is that we balance caring and compassion with directness and a sense of urgency while providing the following services:
Planning and Team Development
Our unique Planning and Team Development process helps organizations at all levels to be better aligned, have better teamwork, and solve people business problems thus diminishing barriers to managing change initiatives to the company’s success.
Coaching is a keystone of The Hayes Group. Whether solving tough problems or maximizing personal effectiveness, leaders call upon world renowned coaches from The Hayes Group for personal coaching. The Hayes Group has provided executive coaching to more than 2,000 leaders in major international companies.
Training and Development
The Hayes Training and Development services increase the value of your people by enhancing skills, competencies, and confidence. Our training process is highly interactive, challenging participants to apply new learning to their real-world environment. Training methods often involve unique one-on-one video-recorded skill development with simulated role-play and group feedback. The results are immediate applications of enhanced skills and new behaviors back on the job. Following the training intervention, behavior changes are supported through the Hayes Sustainability Process.
Video Recorded Method
The proven Hayes training method has helped more than 160,000 participants through Tell, Show, Do, and Feedback.
- Tell – The trainers share key concepts with the participants with active participant involvement and lively discussion process and how it relates to them.
- Show – The trainers demonstrate the core skills necessary to accomplish the best results from the skill being trained.
- Do – Participants practice real-world meeting situations that they bring from their own environment. These situations are video-recorded for later feedback.
- Feedback – In small groups, the participants and a trainer review the DVDs, analyze them in relation to the skills being developed, and give each other helpful feedback. The trainer also gives constructive feedback to each of the participants.
Assessment Instruments and Processes
Our “tool kit” includes both proprietary and other Assessment Instruments and Processes. We are especially proud of two processes (with tools) unique to Hayes that have significantly impacted increased employee motivation and higher performance. The first process, The Belief System™, (described in detail in a book by the same name by Merwyn Hayes and Thad Green) is both a superb diagnostic tool for identifying and quantifying motivation problems and a focused process for solving such problems.
Job Relations Inventory and Coaching Play Book
The second process, the Job Relations Inventory and Coaching Play Book (written by Merwyn Hayes and Richard Huseman in a book on managerial coaching) is a diagnostic tool for measuring the motivational level of a manager’s direct reports in addition to measuring the manager’s managerial skills. This tool enables a manager to understand, develop, and implement the skills that will make them a better manager.
As the situation requires, we use state-of-the-art assessment tools including DISC, Myers Briggs, Leadership Versatility, Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode, 360’s, and Opinion Surveys.