Human Capital Valuation & Organizational Assessment
Hayes specializes in helping potential investors (front-end analysis) as well as existing boards and/or senior management assess and value organizations in human terms. This valuation consists of the skill and potential of the people, the efficiency of the organizational structure and design, and the effectiveness of the culture. By using experts and validated assessment tools, Hayes services include:
- Individual leader assessment (using tools such as the 360 survey, the Leadership Versatility Index, Personal Development Plans, and experience in “determining the strategic fit” between current leaders and future vision)
- Organization structure assessment (including reporting relationships, job design, and structural alignment – often resulting in elimination of silos through institutionalizing teamwork)
- Culture analysis – (including how the business philosophy, culture, values, and management objectives align within the organization, with the leadership, and the human talent (employees))
- Expert facilitation of strategic direction meetings, board governance issues, and vision casting
- Facilitation and resolution of conflict and issues between leaders and their respective internal organizations
- Facilitation of teamwork sessions and planning sessions at all levels of the organization
- Individualized coaching of key players (in the current organization as well as future roles)
- Assimilation coaching – helping new leaders build credibility, establish early wins, accelerate learning , and develop their team
- Team coaching – helping new and existing teams gel together to achieve maximum results
Advisory capacity
- Offering on-going advice to investors, boards, and leaders concerning organizational, people, and cultural issues
With over 41 years experience in helping over 1,700 organizations, Hayes attempts to connect the right people, with the right skills, in the right place in the organization, to positively affect the right culture. Our experience proves that when leaders bring these elements (people, organization, culture) together, bottom-line results are often significantly impacted!
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